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Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff


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“Livro em ótimo estado, com sobrecapa e está dentro de uma caixa, leves sinais de oxidação no interior da sobrecapa, miolo perfeito. 23×16 cm , 225 pág. , encadernado. Marketers of some of the world’s leading brands come to China with mistaken ideas of how to apply Western thinking to the marketplace. But the same rules do not apply in China. Doctoroff delves into the psyches of contemporary Chinese consumers to explain the importance of culture in shaping buying decisions. He provides tools to help readers harness the power of insight into consumers fundamental motivations and reveals the pitfalls into which many multinational competitors often fall. Anyone who plans to do business in China shouldnt get on the plane without this book.”

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Peso 560 g










Gênero Literário: Administração

1 em estoque

Visualizações: 179
Claudiana Elias
Claudiana Elias
A compra foi super tranquila. Chegou bem antes do prazo previsto, o preço foi bem acessível e ainda teve desconto. Livro em perfeitas condições de uso.
Raíssa Pacheco
Raíssa Pacheco
Comprei um livro do Rimbaud no site do sebo, atualmente moro em São Paulo capital. Todo o processo foi muito tranquilo, começando pela organização do site até a entrega, que ocorreu no tempo esperado. A obra chegou bem embalada e toda de acordo com a descrição, muito bem cuidada, por sinal. É perceptível o zelo com os livros. O sebo parece muito bem organizado e cuidadoso, dois critérios muito importantes no trato para com nossos queridos amigos de papel, e que fazem a diferença nesse ramo. Fiquei muito feliz com a compra. =D
João Paulo Antunes da Costa
João Paulo Antunes da Costa
O livro fora entregue muito antes do prazo, em excelente estado, muito bem embalado e com um bonito marcador de páginas para ajudar na leitura. Simplesmente excelente!! Recomendo sem reservas! Vamos ler pessoal!!!
Honorio Sylos Jr
Honorio Sylos Jr
HÉRIKA Aguilar
HÉRIKA Aguilar
Andrade Junior
Andrade Junior
Foi ótima, comprarei de novo outros livros
Inocência Cariaga
Inocência Cariaga
Excelente atendimento, muito atenciosos! Parabéns à touché livros!
Veja todas as avaliações reais no Google Aqui

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    Seu Carrinho
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Porque Você É Minha
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Servidão Humana
    1 X R$24,90 = R$22,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Assassino Ético
    1 X R$9,54 = R$8,59
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Noviço
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Via Palavra 13
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Estranho Á Terra
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Bíblia Sagrada
    1 X R$24,90 = R$22,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Um Pouco de Mim
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Atividades na Pré-Escola
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Cortiço
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    10 Meninas Que Mudaram O Mundo
    1 X R$34,90 = R$31,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Cartas De Amor A Toda Gente
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Hóspede da Solidão
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Sou Bem Maior do Que Isso
    1 X R$8,50 = R$7,65
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Esse Maravilhoso Mundo Cão
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Quando Ela se Foi
    1 X R$19,92 = R$17,93
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Martim Lutero
    1 X R$20,43 = R$18,39
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Melhores Poemas
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Os Prazeres Do Sexo
    1 X R$29,90 = R$26,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Escolhendo Líderes
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Hipnotista
    1 X R$34,90 = R$31,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Os Caminhos Da Existência
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    A Saúde Dos Filhos
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Alas, Pétalas E Labaredas
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    20 Mil Léguas Submarinas
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Monstro Do Morumbi
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Dom Casmurro
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Qualidade Industrial
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Mira - Olho
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Heróis Renascem - Nº 1
    1 X R$49,90 = R$44,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Tudo Ou Nada
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Capítulos Da Vida
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    A Menina Que Era Uma Vez
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Dos Delitos E Das Penas
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Die Antares schweigt
    1 X R$24,90 = R$22,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Fator Humano
    1 X R$8,90 = R$8,01
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Espetacular Homem Aranha 20
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Ensaio Poético Tom e Ana Jobim
    1 X R$39,92 = R$35,93
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Espelho de Barro
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Farewell to the Sea: a Novel of Cuba
    1 X R$14,65 = R$13,19
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Atualidades na Armazenagem
    1 X R$10,19 = R$9,17
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Palavras Aladas
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    A Lion Called Christian
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Oráculo - Livro 1
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Como Conquistar As Pessoas
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    A Assinatura De Todas As Coisas
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    A Emboscada
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Os Poemas Da Ausência
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Gate 7 - Nº 01
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Te Amo
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Manual De Terapêutica Pediatria
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Papai Noel - Uma Biografia
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O livro Do Alfabeto
    1 X R$24,90 = R$22,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Falecido Mattia Pascal
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Lost Sinais De Vida
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Salvemos El Nautilus - Vol. 2
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Os Cães Nunca Deixam De Amar
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Toda A Sorte Do Mundo
    1 X R$8,00 = R$7,20
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Sachê de Violeta
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Paixões Romanas
    1 X R$12,74 = R$11,47
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Psicologia Social
    1 X R$8,50 = R$7,65
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    No Caminho de Swann
    1 X R$9,54 = R$8,59
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Meet Me In Istanbul
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Insight Psicoterapia - Volume I
    1 X R$25,55 = R$23,00
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Achando A Chave
    1 X R$49,90 = R$44,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Noites Iluminadas
    1 X R$59,90 = R$53,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Louvor e Gratidão em Poesias
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Dançando Com A Morte
    1 X R$19,92 = R$17,93
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Estranha Visão
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Máximas De André Luiz
    1 X R$24,90 = R$22,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Até Prova Em Contrário
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Vencedor Está Só
    1 X R$10,19 = R$9,17
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Recado dos Inocentes
    1 X R$7,00 = R$6,30
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Cartas Do Passado
    1 X R$34,90 = R$31,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Paixão Índia
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Pela Lente Do Amor
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Ao Encontro De Deus
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Aos Vivos
    1 X R$29,90 = R$26,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Aventuras De Huck
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Na Selva Do Calote
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Dilema
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Meu 1º Larousse Quem É?
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Mitologia da Antiguidade
    1 X R$6,86 = R$6,17
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Organizações Exponenciais
    1 X R$34,90 = R$31,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Estatuto da Advocacia
    1 X R$7,92 = R$7,13
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Quincas Borba
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Presentes da Vida
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Almayers Wahn
    1 X R$29,90 = R$26,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    A Utopia
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Family History Shared
    1 X R$39,90 = R$35,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Better Angels - As Melhores Virtudes
    1 X R$44,90 = R$40,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Testes Preparatórios
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Ofensas Pessoais
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Lideranca Para Inovação
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Cão Dos Baskervilles
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Voa, Nicko, Voa!
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Scorecard Para Performance Total
    1 X R$9,54 = R$8,59
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Enquanto Houver Amor
    1 X R$9,54 = R$8,59
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Princesa Adormecida
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Dom Casmurro
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Gotas de Sabedoria
    1 X R$7,92 = R$7,13
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Nos Labirintos Da Moral
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Para Onde Ela Foi
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    A Gerencia De Si Mesmo
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Sabor da Fome - Contos
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Inove, Vença e Faça Sucesso
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    A Farsa
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Making Time, Making Money
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Os Incríveis 2
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    1 X R$34,90 = R$31,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Construindo o Saber
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Umbanda de A a Z
    1 X R$200,00 = R$180,00
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    1 X R$24,90 = R$22,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Para Chorar De Rir
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    365 Orações Para Crianças
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    The Forgotten
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    A Herança De Si Mesmo
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Falcão Maltês
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Ninguém Acreditava
    1 X R$8,00 = R$7,20
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    40 Dias em Missão
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Dilúvio - Volume 2
    1 X R$29,90 = R$26,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Coragem de Existir
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Fator Humano
    1 X R$7,92 = R$7,13
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Linguagem das Mãos
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Primo Basílio
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    O Segredo Da Felicidade
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Une Profonde Affection
    1 X R$23,92 = R$21,53
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Por Um Simples Pedaço De Cerâmica
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Malditos Paulistas
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Zest For Life
    1 X R$15,31 = R$13,78
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Manual Harriet Lane de Pediatria
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Aprender a Educar Com Jesus
    1 X R$7,92 = R$7,13
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Livro dos Espíritos
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Par Ou Impar
    1 X R$10,19 = R$9,17
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Sequestro Sangrento
    1 X R$9,54 = R$8,59
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    1 X R$8,00 = R$7,20
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Máximas Mínimas e Outros Textos
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    De Repente, O Destino
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Alimentação Vegana
    1 X R$18,23 = R$16,41
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Cigarros Matam
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer - Tom Doctoroff
    Mentiras Do Silêncio
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71