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Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard


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“Livro capa dura em bom estado, com sobrecapa, levíssimos desgastes nas bordas, corte amarelado, páginas amareladas devido ao tipo de papel, miolo perfeito. 22×15 cm , 111 pág. , encadernado. Learn the Essential Skills Necessary to Become a Successful LeaderThis extraordinary book goes straight to the heart of management. It describes the effective, adaptive styles of Situational Leadership II. It shows how Situational Leadership and One Minute Management work together to turn promising employees into peak performers.You′ll learn how to:Fitting your leadership style to the needs of the individualDiagnose a situation correctly so you know when to delegate, support or directContract with your people for the leadership style that suits them bestUse the One Minute techniques”

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Peso 260 g









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Gênero Literário: Administração

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Visualizações: 187
Claudiana Elias
Claudiana Elias
A compra foi super tranquila. Chegou bem antes do prazo previsto, o preço foi bem acessível e ainda teve desconto. Livro em perfeitas condições de uso.
Raíssa Pacheco
Raíssa Pacheco
Comprei um livro do Rimbaud no site do sebo, atualmente moro em São Paulo capital. Todo o processo foi muito tranquilo, começando pela organização do site até a entrega, que ocorreu no tempo esperado. A obra chegou bem embalada e toda de acordo com a descrição, muito bem cuidada, por sinal. É perceptível o zelo com os livros. O sebo parece muito bem organizado e cuidadoso, dois critérios muito importantes no trato para com nossos queridos amigos de papel, e que fazem a diferença nesse ramo. Fiquei muito feliz com a compra. =D
João Paulo Antunes da Costa
João Paulo Antunes da Costa
O livro fora entregue muito antes do prazo, em excelente estado, muito bem embalado e com um bonito marcador de páginas para ajudar na leitura. Simplesmente excelente!! Recomendo sem reservas! Vamos ler pessoal!!!
Honorio Sylos Jr
Honorio Sylos Jr
HÉRIKA Aguilar
HÉRIKA Aguilar
Andrade Junior
Andrade Junior
Foi ótima, comprarei de novo outros livros
Inocência Cariaga
Inocência Cariaga
Excelente atendimento, muito atenciosos! Parabéns à touché livros!
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    Contos escolhidos
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    Nenhuma Certeza
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
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    O Importante É Cativar-se
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    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    Livro Felicidade
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    Os Passos Contra o Vento
    1 X R$9,91 = R$8,92
    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    Truques De Mágica
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    Porto Seguro
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    Gloriosas Ruínas
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    1 X R$7,92 = R$7,13
    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    Gestão De Pessoas
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    Clara Dos Anjos
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    Para Onde Vai o Amor?
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Throug - Ken Blanchard
    Crescer, Não Destruir
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57