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Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck


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“Livro capa dura com sobrecapa em ótimo estado, com leves desgastes nas bordas e quinas da sobrecapa, miolo perfeito. 22 x 15 cm, 352 pág, encadernado. Government of the people, by the people, for the people expresses an ideal that resonates in all democracies. Yet poll after poll reveals deep distrust of institutions that seem to have left the people out of the governing equation. Government bureaucracies that are supposed to solve critical problems on their own are a troublesome outgrowth of the professionalization of public life in the industrial age. They are especially ill-suited to confronting todays complex challenges.”

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Peso 600 g










Gênero Literário: Administração

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Visualizações: 164

Claudiana Elias
Claudiana Elias
A compra foi super tranquila. Chegou bem antes do prazo previsto, o preço foi bem acessível e ainda teve desconto. Livro em perfeitas condições de uso.
Raíssa Pacheco
Raíssa Pacheco
Comprei um livro do Rimbaud no site do sebo, atualmente moro em São Paulo capital. Todo o processo foi muito tranquilo, começando pela organização do site até a entrega, que ocorreu no tempo esperado. A obra chegou bem embalada e toda de acordo com a descrição, muito bem cuidada, por sinal. É perceptível o zelo com os livros. O sebo parece muito bem organizado e cuidadoso, dois critérios muito importantes no trato para com nossos queridos amigos de papel, e que fazem a diferença nesse ramo. Fiquei muito feliz com a compra. =D
João Paulo Antunes da Costa
João Paulo Antunes da Costa
O livro fora entregue muito antes do prazo, em excelente estado, muito bem embalado e com um bonito marcador de páginas para ajudar na leitura. Simplesmente excelente!! Recomendo sem reservas! Vamos ler pessoal!!!
Honorio Sylos Jr
Honorio Sylos Jr
HÉRIKA Aguilar
HÉRIKA Aguilar
Andrade Junior
Andrade Junior
Foi ótima, comprarei de novo outros livros
Inocência Cariaga
Inocência Cariaga
Excelente atendimento, muito atenciosos! Parabéns à touché livros!
Veja todas as avaliações reais no Google Aqui

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    Homem-Cobra, Mulher Polvo
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    Opus Dei
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    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    1 X R$7,90 = R$7,11
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
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    Os Passos Contra o Vento
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    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
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    Socorro E solução
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    Em Uma Cidade Estranha
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    Verão Em Palm Beach
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    A Sorte De Luciano
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    Ecologia e Política à Luz do Tao
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    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Ferias Em Xangri-Lá
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    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Jardim de Nuremberg
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    A Confissão
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    O Sonho dos Heróis
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    Um Pouco de Mim
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    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Arte da Sabedoria
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Dolores Reinventada
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Globalização da Pobreza
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Triângulo No Ponto
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Roubo das Agendas
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Homem De Bem
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Gênios Da Arte: El Greco
    1 X R$29,90 = R$26,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Engenheiro De Almas
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Crer Ou Não Crer
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Efeito Harbinger
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Como de Otro Mundo
    1 X R$8,00 = R$7,20
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Escola Em Ciclos
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Harry Potter e a Filosofia
    1 X R$19,92 = R$17,93
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Forte Apache
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Depressão e Demência no Idoso
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Preparando os Sabidões
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Paixões Perigosas
    1 X R$14,32 = R$12,89
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Megera Domada
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    De Volta As civilizações Perdidas
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Coração do Leão
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Raínha Do Crime Intriga Em Bagdá
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Vem E Segue-me
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Horror em Red Hook
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Pequena Fadette
    1 X R$12,75 = R$11,48
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Queda De Fergal
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Todo Dia é Natal
    1 X R$6,86 = R$6,17
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Amor Fiel
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Alice aos 80
    1 X R$8,50 = R$7,65
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    As Mulheres Francesas Não Engordam
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Nada Feito Nada
    1 X R$6,86 = R$6,17
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Treasure Island
    1 X R$24,90 = R$22,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Empreendedorismo e Pequena Empresa
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Amor e Para Sempre
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Dieta Nota 10
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Caçador De Pipas
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Eu Sou o Peregrino
    1 X R$19,92 = R$17,93
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Infância e Afeto
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Apostilas da Vida
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Cosmovisão Releitura do Mito
    1 X R$7,00 = R$6,30
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Poder Extrafísico
    1 X R$34,90 = R$31,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Mortalha Não Tem Bolso
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Erro Como Vício da Vontade
    1 X R$7,01 = R$6,31
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Chão e Alma de Minas
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Psicologia Básica
    1 X R$8,00 = R$7,20
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Tempo do Descanso
    1 X R$8,50 = R$7,65
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Amigo de Infância
    1 X R$71,92 = R$64,73
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    La é Aqui
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Diário de Larissa Manoela
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Liberte-Se Da Ansiedade
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Gato E O Diabo
    1 X R$29,90 = R$26,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Último dos Justos
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Gonzos e Parafusos
    1 X R$8,50 = R$7,65
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Comprometida - Uma História de Amor
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Executivo
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Lebre E A Tartaruga
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Guerras Infinitas - Nº 7
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Baby Shark!
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Morro Dos Ventos Uivantes
    1 X R$24,90 = R$22,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Hobbit
    1 X R$29,90 = R$26,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Projeto De Vida
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    1 X R$9,54 = R$8,59
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Nosso Andar Diário Vol 4
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Doidas E Santas
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Proposta
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Truques De Mágica
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Manual Globo Do Automóvel
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Sua Fórmula do Amor
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Último Refúgio
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Cão Negro
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Mistério À Americana
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Os Prazeres Do Sexo
    1 X R$29,90 = R$26,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Caixa dos Segredos
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Escola e Juventude
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Dor
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Charlotte Street
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Diário Secreto
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Negotiation: An A-z Guide
    1 X R$25,40 = R$22,86
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Fera
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    À Sombra das Espadas
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Líder - Coach
    1 X R$34,90 = R$31,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Retorno do Jovem Príncipe
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Boys Love - Vínculo
    1 X R$10,19 = R$9,17
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Hora É Agora!
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    31 Songs
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Bíblia Sagrada Edição Ecumênica
    1 X R$150,00 = R$135,00
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Valeu A Pena!
    1 X R$7,12 = R$6,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    São Bernardo
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Majestade do Xingu
    1 X R$7,00 = R$6,30
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Impressões Da Commissão Rondon
    1 X R$520,00 = R$468,00
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Algemas de Seda
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Utopia
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Ilha do Tesouro
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Pau Brasil
    1 X R$6,86 = R$6,17
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Cancioneiro Maçônico
    1 X R$7,00 = R$6,30
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Enigma Femenino
    1 X R$39,92 = R$35,93
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Amante De Lady Chatterley
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Como Viver a Dois
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Para Gostar De Ler - Vol. 10
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Fogo De Brasa
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    The Game - Trilogia - Volume 1
    1 X R$8,82 = R$7,94
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Gestao Empresarial Para Dummies
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Os Sambas dos Corações Partidos
    1 X R$8,50 = R$7,65
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Uma Vida
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Aquele Estranho Colega, O Meu Pai
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Labirinto
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness
    1 X R$44,90 = R$40,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Provérbios de Salomão
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Caçada - House Of Night Vol. 05
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Autor Mente Muito
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Truth - What is Truth?
    1 X R$23,92 = R$21,53
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Cão Dos Baskervilles
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Boas-Novas de Grande Alegria
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Gotham Sampa City
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Mensagem de Puebla
    1 X R$7,00 = R$6,30
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Encontro Com A Vida
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Dois É Demais!
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Justiça No Mundo
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Os Lusíadas
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Sexualidade na Adolescência
    1 X R$7,00 = R$6,30
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Natureza Nojenta
    1 X R$8,00 = R$7,20
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    The Table
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Anjos Decaídos: O Elo Perdido
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Deserto Dos Tártaros
    1 X R$69,90 = R$62,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Guerra Dos Roses
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Obra Em Negro
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Acorde Bela Adormecida
    1 X R$6,86 = R$6,17
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Ensinando da Escola Primária
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Conspiração Arca
    1 X R$12,41 = R$11,17
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Todas as Pequenas Luzes
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Mirando Al Misterio
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Roteiro de Deus
    1 X R$39,90 = R$35,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Your Ayurvedic Constitution Prakruti
    1 X R$80,00 = R$72,00
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Tutte le Poesie - 2 Volumes
    1 X R$49,90 = R$44,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Que Você Quiser
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Turma Da Mônica - A Grande Festa
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Profecia Celeste
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    The Throne Of Fire - Livro 2
    1 X R$34,90 = R$31,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Evolução de a a Jesus
    1 X R$8,00 = R$7,20
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Guardiã da Meia-Noite
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Abandono - Vol. 1
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Feitiço do Cálice de Pedra
    1 X R$8,50 = R$7,65
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Goosebumps: Sorria e Morra
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Quincas Borba
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Vaca Na 4ª Dimensão
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    1 X R$25,55 = R$23,00
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Como Fazer Quase Tudo
    1 X R$34,90 = R$31,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Lei da Felicidade
    1 X R$8,50 = R$7,65
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Serviço de Visitas
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Tamanho Não Importa
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Fundamentals Of Marketing
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    7 Dias Para Sempre
    1 X R$19,92 = R$17,93
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Quando Chega a Hora
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Poética de Charles Nodier
    1 X R$6,86 = R$6,17
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Organizing From the Inside Out
    1 X R$17,87 = R$16,08
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Discover What You're Best At
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    O Rei Demônio
    1 X R$19,92 = R$17,93
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Ciências Sociais e Management
    1 X R$8,00 = R$7,20
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Erasmo de Rotterdam
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Lola At the Library
    1 X R$10,19 = R$9,17
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    A Presença da Igreja no Brasil
    1 X R$12,75 = R$11,48
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Histórias Lindas De Morrer
    1 X R$34,90 = R$31,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Ceifadores - Anjo A Face Do Mal II
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Sistemas de Gestão Integrados
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Dicionário De Espanhol
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Vale do Arco-Íris
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Vinte Lições De Português
    1 X R$7,00 = R$6,30
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    As Asas Do Anjo
    1 X R$7,90 = R$7,11
    Smart Citizens, Smarter State - Beth Simone Noveck
    Comprometida - Uma História De Amor
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71