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Springing the Time Trap: Time Management for Today’s Busy Homemaker - Deniece Schofield


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Livro usado em bom estado, levíssimos desgastes nas bordas, levíssimos desgastes nas quinas, levíssimos desgastes nas quinas da lombada, corte amarelado, sujidade no corte, leves sinais de oxidação no corte, contém grifos a caneta marca texto, algumas páginas estão amassadas, páginas com sinais esparsos de oxidação, miolo perfeito. 23×16 cm , 152 pág. , brochura. Who needs time-management helps more than the busy homemaker? You too can be a time-management winner! In this upbeat approach to organization at home, learn to organize and maintain a planning notebook, organize your family with a planning calendar, control telephone and visitor interruptions, eliminate paper pollution, tame the TV, use your head to save your heels, delegate chores to your kids and your spouse, put off procrastination, make the most of shopping expeditions and meal planning, and set priotities in your housework.

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