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The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen


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“Livro capa dura com sobrecapa em bom estado, levíssimos desgastes nas bordas, guarda e primeiras páginas e últimas páginas e interior da contracapa e interior da sobrecapa com leves sinais de oxidação, páginas uniformemente levemente amareladas devido ao tipo de papel, miolo perfeito. 19×14 cm , 247 pág. , brochura. If you are one of Zoë’s friends, you know her invisible rules for school survival, from what to wear to which boy is the Most Vile. Ever since the day Zoë neutralized the playground bully, she has been the go-to gal for classmates and teachers alike. When a new girl comes to school with a “reputation, ” Zoë decides to help her fit in. But who will save Zoë when her coaching backfires completely? Zoë Monday Costello is a whirlwind who will pick up fans on the first page “

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Peso 360 g









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Gênero Literário: Infanto Juvenis

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Visualizações: 258
Claudiana Elias
Claudiana Elias
A compra foi super tranquila. Chegou bem antes do prazo previsto, o preço foi bem acessível e ainda teve desconto. Livro em perfeitas condições de uso.
Raíssa Pacheco
Raíssa Pacheco
Comprei um livro do Rimbaud no site do sebo, atualmente moro em São Paulo capital. Todo o processo foi muito tranquilo, começando pela organização do site até a entrega, que ocorreu no tempo esperado. A obra chegou bem embalada e toda de acordo com a descrição, muito bem cuidada, por sinal. É perceptível o zelo com os livros. O sebo parece muito bem organizado e cuidadoso, dois critérios muito importantes no trato para com nossos queridos amigos de papel, e que fazem a diferença nesse ramo. Fiquei muito feliz com a compra. =D
João Paulo Antunes da Costa
João Paulo Antunes da Costa
O livro fora entregue muito antes do prazo, em excelente estado, muito bem embalado e com um bonito marcador de páginas para ajudar na leitura. Simplesmente excelente!! Recomendo sem reservas! Vamos ler pessoal!!!
Honorio Sylos Jr
Honorio Sylos Jr
HÉRIKA Aguilar
HÉRIKA Aguilar
Andrade Junior
Andrade Junior
Foi ótima, comprarei de novo outros livros
Inocência Cariaga
Inocência Cariaga
Excelente atendimento, muito atenciosos! Parabéns à touché livros!
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Pais para Toda Vida
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    1 X R$7,00 = R$6,30
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Os Três Mosqueteiros
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    A Farsa
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    Os Três Mosqueteiros
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Os Caminhos Da Existência
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Histórias de Amor
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Porto Seguro
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    O Cortiço
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Dez Coisas Que Eu Amo Em Você
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    A Estratégia do Olho de Tigre
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    1 X R$24,90 = R$22,41
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    1 X R$19,92 = R$17,93
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    A Grande Viagem
    1 X R$20,02 = R$18,02
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Minha Imagem
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Amargo Pecado
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Por uma Liturgia Libertadora
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Dom Casmurro
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    A Lua por Testemunha
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    A Megera Domada
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    O Melhor da Super 1987-2012
    1 X R$9,54 = R$8,59
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Gerações Leminski
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    A Verdade Por Trás da História
    1 X R$25,55 = R$23,00
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Natal, Festa Do Homem
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Testando o Leviathan
    1 X R$6,86 = R$6,17
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    A Esposa Apavorada
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Mundos Mortos
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Un Diamante da Tiffany
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Os Passos Contra o Vento
    1 X R$9,91 = R$8,92
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Desmascarando O Codigo Da Vinci
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Memorie Di Adriano
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Los Templarios: Monjes y Guerreros
    1 X R$27,92 = R$25,13
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Nada Feito Nada
    1 X R$6,86 = R$6,17
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    1 X R$11,52 = R$10,37
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Revisitando a Pré-escola
    1 X R$6,86 = R$6,17
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    O Mito de Lincoln
    1 X R$19,92 = R$17,93
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Julieta Imortal
    1 X R$7,12 = R$6,41
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    O Engenheiro De Almas
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Schiff ohne Hafen
    1 X R$24,90 = R$22,41
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Um Tempo em Família
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    La Tepadera
    1 X R$10,19 = R$9,17
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Dont Let Me Die!
    1 X R$8,50 = R$7,65
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Passos Da Vida
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Vida Futura
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    The Singular Bar Survival
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Terapia Alternativa
    1 X R$15,92 = R$14,33
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Venda Mais E Melhor
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Fantasma Sai De Cena
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Paixões Romanas
    1 X R$12,74 = R$11,47
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    História Do Brasil Para Ocupados
    1 X R$24,90 = R$22,41
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Vinho: Saúde E Longevidade
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Fidélio - Vol. 2
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    1 X R$7,00 = R$6,30
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Olhos Nos Olhos
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Problemas Gerais de Currículo
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    A Coleira
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    A Sala De Âmbar
    1 X R$29,90 = R$26,91
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    O Império Secreto
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    A Beira Do Corpo
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Sobre Schmidt
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    O Relatório Da CIA
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Veronika Decide Morrer
    1 X R$8,90 = R$8,01
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    1 X R$29,90 = R$26,91
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    No Limite da Ousadia
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Aprendiz de Advogado
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Der Kerzelmacher von Sankt Stephan
    1 X R$34,90 = R$31,41
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Amor De Monstro
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    2012: the Return of Quetzalcoatl
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    Nova Visão do Casamento
    1 X R$7,12 = R$6,41
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Le Lagon Noir
    1 X R$17,77 = R$15,99
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Devocionais de Fogo
    1 X R$69,90 = R$62,91
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Um Cadáver Na Banheira
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Desejos Bestiais
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
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    Princesas Encantadas
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Beijos Da Chuva
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Calendário das Águas
    1 X R$6,86 = R$6,17
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    Seis Romances E Uma Pintura
    1 X R$9,90 = R$8,91
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    1 X R$8,50 = R$7,65
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Viagem À Terra Do Fogo
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
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    Farewell to the Sea: a Novel of Cuba
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    A Força de um Destino
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    A Bibliotecária
    1 X R$11,92 = R$10,73
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Um Dia de Cada Vez
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Segredos e Mentiras
    1 X R$8,50 = R$7,65
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    O Mestre das Ilusões
    1 X R$8,00 = R$7,20
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    Harold Robbins Apresenta Jogo Alto
    1 X R$11,90 = R$10,71
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    Uma Curva na Estrada
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
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    Itália Antiga
    1 X R$25,55 = R$23,00
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    Pequena Abelha
    1 X R$14,90 = R$13,41
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Os Caminhos do Sucesso
    1 X R$7,00 = R$6,30
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    Libro De Los Héroes
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    Scenes of America
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    O Tempo do Descanso
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    Por Todas Nós
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Aço e Nada
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    Society Cocaína
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    O Zahir
    1 X R$7,00 = R$6,30
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    1 X R$19,90 = R$17,91
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Anjos das Sombras
    1 X R$6,86 = R$6,17
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    O Médico e o Monstro
    1 X R$9,52 = R$8,57
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    1 X R$27,92 = R$25,13
    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    Um Elefante Em Meu Jardim
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    The Invisible Rules of the Zoe Lama - Tish Cohen
    O Mundo Colorido da Bíblia
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